WARNING - Channel High Spots Update 5/21/21

May 21, 2021

Port-bay channel markup
Looking South at Port Bay and the Channel from High Above Lake Ontario
WARNING, Channel Update
Hello everyone,
   Now that the weather is getting nicer and more members have their boats in the water we wanted to share an update on the channel. We're sure everyone is aware that the lake level is extremely low this year, as a result of the low water and weather conditions we have had a challenging spring keeping the channel at a consistent depth. Last weekend Jeff Ausuer and Greg Gumina went out and performed a depth survey in the channel and in the area of the lake that is adjacent to the pier. We have marked up an image of the channel and the lake in red, these areas represent approximate locations of areas with 4' or less in water depth as of 5/16/21. Please use extreme caution and be patient when using the channel and entering the lake..
  As a final note, we have our dredging contractor coming this week to work on the red areas inside the channel to remove the sediment and increase the water depth in those locations. The Board is considering an option to access and dredge the area immediately north of the pier and will update once a plan is worked out between the Board and our contractor. We will continue to monitor the channel and provide updates as more information becomes available. 
PBIA Board of Directors,