Aug 4, 2022
![Board meeting minutes CAPTURE](
PBIA Minutes
July 8, 2022, 7:00 p.m.
Location: Lyons National Bank
Attendees: Lori Furguson, Jeff Auser, Becky Hilbert, Jon Post, Korey Post, Sue Mattle
Opening Remarks: Myrtle
- Thank You PBIA – fabulous fireworks and awesome boat parade. Positive remarks on these 2 events.
Approval of June 10, 2022 Minutes
- Motion for Approval made by Jeff Auser
- Seconded by Sue Mattle
- Minutes approved and posted on website
Annual Dinner Meeting:
- Received excellent feedback
- We have 3 volunteers offering to manage next year’s dinner/prizes/menu: Fran, Ann, and Millie
- Next year’s annual dinner/meeting will be the 2nd Saturday in June (June 11, 2023)
Memberships Report:
- Myrtle received membership application at Bayfront which she submitted to Sue. Sue will do the welcome letter.
- Sue prefers not to purchase a new printer. She will take any print requests to “Minute Man” in Fairport.
Treasury Report:
- Reviewed the LNB account balances as of 7/8/2022
- Profit & Loss all good
- Current balance: $207,685.72
- Parade - $600 budget approved
- $536 invoices. 2 checks approved for Jackie & Jean
- Merchandize invoice $1,811.48 – check for Korey Post
- Invoice for Fireworks $10,000
- Donation for Greg LaValley for $1,750 (an increase of $250 for this year)
- Motion for approval of all above invoices made by Jon Post
- Seconded by Jeff Auser
- All approved
- Income from the sale of Flares:
- $4,950 (Bob’s and Gallo’s)
- $1,257 (Toad’s)
- Leftovers: 3 cases
- Suggestion for future: offer the non-flamatory flares (LED). Korey volunteered to look into these flares
REDI (Resiliency Economic Development Initiative): Lori Furguson
- Culvert Project on West Port Bay Road by Beaver Creek – on schedule
- Weed Harvesting will be 7/18 through 8/5/2022. Bayfront ramp will be used to off load weeds.
- Lindsay Gerstenslager is willing to do coffee clutches/happy hour sessions
- Dredging was done prior to the 4th of July. Channel is in great shape.
- Red Sign located in channel on left side leaving Port Bay warms about low spot
- Suggested was made to take a picture of this sign and post it on web page and Facebook.
- Discussion on the cost of dredging. PBIA has a 5-year contract with Decker costing $15,200. Contract states that dredging will be done as required/as needed. Channel is open from April 1st through October 31st each year.
- Buoy chain is needed. Town of Huron offered to donate a chain
- Needs a light. Jeff will order a new light but will wait till we locate a chain.
Whistlewood Trail: NO UPDATES
- Frank (DEC) could not attend this meeting
- Plans are to move forward
- In support of researching this initiative with DEC
Upcoming Events:
- Rooftop Concert: July 30th – Charity will be Wild Wings
- Donation can be made for Wild Wings
- Birds will be on-site from 3:30 to 5:30
- Band will play from 6:00 to 9:00
- T-shirts will be available at Concert.
- T-shirts will be PBIA cost and income only. Front of shirt will be Port Bay – Wolcott and back of shirt will be Wild Wings
- Plans are to order 25 shirts (XL, Large, and Medium). Will also order youth sizes (15 t-shirts and 15 sweatshirts)
- Sound Guys for rooftop – cost $400
- Motion to approve this cost made by Jeff Auser
- Seconded by Jon Post
- All approved
- Family Fishing Derby: September 4th
Additional Topic of Discussion:
- A brief discussion on a need to educate PB members/residents about subjects such as dredging and the costs and why and that this is a PBIA expense.
- Korey Post will reach out to Terry in regards to her being an administrator on the website.
Meeting adjourned:
- Motion to adjourn was made by Jeff Auser
- Seconded by Korey Post
- Meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
Next Meeting: August 12, 2022 at 7pm. At Lyons National Bank