Aug 25, 2021
PBIA Minutes
August 13, 2021
7:00 p.m.
Location: Lyons National Bank
Attendees: Lori Furguson, Jeff Auser, Becky Hilbert, Terry Palis, Mike Faillace, Dave Pulver, Jen Pulver, Chip Compertore
Opening Remarks: Lori Furguson
Conference call was held on August 12 with REDI
Tax Return will be submitted on 8/16/21
Letter of Support to DEC for the Walking Trail
Approval of July 9, 2021 Minutes
Motion for Approval made by Jeff Auser
Seconded by Dave Pulver
Minutes approved
Memberships: Jen Pulver
It was suggested to send out a constant contact email to remind members to join and pay.
Terry Palis will send out the week of 8/16/21
Treasurer’s Report: Dave Pulver:
Question came up about what the $1,000 cash was use for – it was for the 50/50 and merchandise purchase
Motion for Approval of Treasurer’s Report made by Jeff Auser
Seconded by Terry Palis
Report approved.
Channel Lights & Signs: Jeff Auser
New channel lights arrived and will be installed once Greg purchases a guard to protect the lights
Motion to approved Invoice made by Lori Furguson
Seconded by Jen Pulver
“Thank You for Visiting Port Bay” Sign going out of the Channel into the Lake – Lori will contact Doug McAvoy regarding this sign.
Sign on West Port Bay Road “Welcome to Port Bay”. A “Thank You for Visiting PB” sign was place against the “Welcome Sign”. Lori with talk to Jon Post about lowering the “Thank You” sign even with the” Welcome” sign.
East Port Bay sign needs to be spruced up and the pole needs to be painted.
Website: Terry Palis
Website has been updated to pay on-line for the Fishing Derby
Merchandise: Kory Post
$3,100 invoice approved
Kory will be placing another order to sell at the Fishing Derby
Excellent sales at the Rooftop Concert
Demand is excellent for merchandise
REDI (Resiliency Economic Development Initiative): Lori Furguson
The projects funded with dollars are in the planning process and the Board will continue to be involved and provide updates.
Lori Furguson & Jeff Auser will be attending a meeting on Thursday, August 19th with SEQRE to discuss & review the proposal for the Port Bay Channel out to the Lake. There will be no extension to the current wall (pier).
The REDI funds: money will be available for 3 years once the design is 80% complete.
Mike Faillace will invite Mike Burelli (Blind Sodus Bay) to our meeting to discuss the Channel and funding.
Lori has spoken with Pam Helming (State) in regards to DEC. Lori with be meeting with her sometime in November.
WEEDS Harvester: Lori Furguson
Trailer is fixed and 2 harvesters were moved to East Bay.
Constant Contact to be emailed on 8/15 with status of harvesters
Lori confirmed with Lindsey that the weed harvesters should arrive in Port Bay the week of 8/23/2021.
Can we ask why Port Bay has never been first on the list for weed harvesting??
South Boat Launch: Lori Furguson
Cement has been poured. Projected date of opening is the middle of September.
Constant Contact to be emailed on 8/15 with launch status.
Rooftop Concert on July 31st – Chris Forster
Was a huge success
Streamed live
$589 on shore collection and $350 donated on-line.
Donations will go to Wings
Fishing Derby – Terry Palis
Fishing Derby will be held on Sunday, September 5, 2021 from 7 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Weigh in will be held at the Bayfront from 11:00 to 11:30
Merchandise table will be set up at the end of the fishing derby from 11:00 to Noon.
Constant Contact was emailed out on 8/12/21. 12 people have signed up.
S.Drechsler has donated $300 for the Fishing Derby
A suggestion was made to contact Jarvis Bait Shop on Brown Road to request their support in providing the Derby applications. Dave Pulver will contact Jarvis.
The Derby application money will be used for prizes.
Post Fishing Derby on Facebook.
Fireworks/Barge/Flares: Chip Compertore
It was suggested to invite Young Explosives to our October 8th meeting to discuss and sign the contract for 2022 Fireworks. Ask Chip to contact Young Explosives to extend the invitation.
Walking Trail: Terry Palis
Letter to the DEC approving PBIA support of opening up the Walking Trail was approved and will be mailed to DEC.
Next Meeting: September 10, 2021 at 7pm. At Lyons National Bank
Meeting adjourned:
Motion to adjourn was made by Jeff Auser. Terry Palis seconded the motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.