PBIA Board Minutes from July 12, 2024

Jul 12, 2024

PBIA Minutes

July 12, 2024 @ 7:00 pm

Location:  Lyons National Bank


Attendees:  Lori Furguson, Paul Way, Terry Palis, Alina Palis, Becky Hilbert, Jeff Auser, Susie Mattle


Absent:  Chris Forster, Korey Post, Jon Post, Mike Faillace, Chip Compertore


Opening Remarks:  Lori Furguson

  • Francine Miller wants to become a board member
  • Another successful 4th of July. The Boat Parade was a success regardless of the technical boat issues. Jean Gumina took over and managed delivering candy to kids on shore. A constant contact will be posted.
  • The roof top concert is postponed and will be scheduled for next year (2025).
  • Fireworks: had some issues with the wind and the barge was dragging their


Approval of June 7, 2024 Minutes

  • Motion for Approval made by Alina Palis
  • Seconded Paul Way
  • Minutes Approved


Approval of June 8, 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes

  • Motion for Approval made by Terry Palis
  • Seconded Susie Mattle
  • Minutes Approved


Treasury Report: Alina emailed the report to all

  • Motion for approval of the report made by Jeff Auser
  • Seconded Paul Way
  • Treasury Report Approved



  • Memberships continue to come in
  • All thank you letters have been mailed out
  • Should we move to total on-line enrollment. Suggestion was discussed to keep hard copy mail.
  • Should we up membership fee from $55 annually to $60 annually. We will consider this in the future.


2025 PBIA Golf Tournament

  • Scheduled for June 14, 2025

2025 PBIA Annual Meeting and Dinner

  • Scheduled for June 7, 2025

Strawberry Festival: June 15, 2024

  • Festival was very successful. Received new memberships and sold

Boat Parade: July 4, 2024

  • Theme is Olympics Red/White/Blue – excellent participation by all boaters
  • $94.44 cost of candy
  • Every boat got a prize
  • Cost of $605.54
  • Motion to pay made by Jeff Auser
  • Seconded by Paul Way
  • Approved

Fishing Derby: Terry Palis/Brian Thompson

  • Fishing Derby will be held on September 1, 2024


Whistlewood Trail:

  • DEC wants to reopen this trail, but we have heard nothing.


  • Email received from Drew
  • Suppose to be at 90%, but we need sediment report to get the permit
  • Project budget is $3.3 million
  • Myrtle will follow-up

Channel Lights: Jeff Auser

  • The lights in the parking lot and on the sign are not working.
  • Suggestion was made to purchase LED lights to avoid these problems in the future.
  • Navigation light at the end of pier – solar part is laying on the side
  • Recommendation made to put cage around navigation light to prevent rocks from hitting this light.
  • Budget of $1,300 to replace
  • Motion made to approve budget by Myrtle Furguson
  • Seconded by Terry Palis
  • Approved

Conflict of Interest: Jeff Auser

  • Submitted to Board for review. All agreed the document was very well done.

Merchandise: Korey Post

  • What is the mark-up on merchandise?
  • Korey will be taking inventory the week of 7/15/2024

Fireworks: Chip Compertore

  • Young Explosives Invoice of $11,500 – paid
  • Flares:
    • Bob’s Big M - $2,160
    • Fairhaven - $1,900
  • Greg LaValley will be retiring. His son will take over. $1,800 was paid out for barge last year.
  • Motion made by Terry Palis to keep the cost at $1,800
  • Seconded by Susie Mattle
  • Approved

Channel Dredging:

  • Complaint made by a member that their boat hit bottom in channel
  • Myrtle called Decker on 7/12/2024. Decker will come out next week to look at the channel to see if we need another dredging soon.


  • Concert in Cove is scheduled for August 17th
  • Roof Top Concert cancelled for this year, but will return next year.

Future Topics:

  • Should we consider buying our own Barge to accommodate fireworks,
  • Should we consider buying a small weed harvester to go in between docks?
  • Brian Thompson might need an official at the Fishing Derby. Does anybody know one?

Additional Topics regarding new board members and replacement of two members:

  • New board members: Jamie Yarrow expressed interest in coming back onto the board. She has background for Finance/Treasury
  • Francine Miller will be joining the board
  • Transition plan for to replace Terry & Alina Palis. Alina has offered to continue to support PBIA Board until October.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

  • Motion to adjourn made by Becky Hilbert
  • Seconded by Jeff Auser
  • Approved

Next Meeting: August 16, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at Lyons National Bank
