PBIA Annual Members Meeting Minutes from June 5, 2021

Jun 24, 2021



PBIA Annual Meeting Minutes

June 5, 2021, 2:00 p.m.


Meeting called to order on June 5, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.

Introduction:  Lori (Myrtle) Furguson

An honorable recognition of Charlie Price.  Charlie dedicated his time to the PBIA Board for over 20 years.  He was a truly kind and valuable member and resident of Port Bay.  Many, many Thanks to Charlie – we will miss your dedication and your smiles.  Please see the back of the program for details on Charlie’s extraordinary career in the military and law enforcement.

·        Introduction of the Board Members

·        A thank you to all of the Board Members

·        50/50 Drawing would be done after dinner

·        Secretary minutes on the website

·        Treasurer Report in the annual meeting brochure


Status provided by Myrtle on the South Boat Launch

·        Launch will be closed the entire Summer

·        DEC owns the launch property

·        Construction was started on 4/1/21 and the plan was to complete upgrades by end of May.  Lindsey talked to Myrtle and told her that the launch will be closed beyond the end of Summer.

·        Plans include a new dock and culvert

·        PBIA has no influence on speeding up the re-opening.

·        Delays are due to Covid.


Status provided on Weed Harvesting

·        Funded by Wayne County Soil & Water (Lindsey)

·        DEC will not let Wayne County start till after 6/15/21 due to spawning.

·        Harvesters will be at Port Bay after 7/4/21 for 2 weeks or until all weeds are gone.

·        Three locations will be set up for weed drop:

o   Bayfront Launch

o   North Launch

o   Port Bay Campgrounds


Another culvert project will be done at Beaver Creek and Graves Point


Channel Update:

·        The low water level has activated sediment

·        DEC sets the guidelines on depth and width and distance for dredging

·        Plans have been made to have the contractor on an as needed basis this year.


REDI:  Commissioned state-funded money of $5M for this project

·        Lindsay is managing this project which includes the West & East Barrier Bars and Channel

·        Channel upgrades include:

o   New sheet siding

o   Pier will be dog-leg to the East

·        Bring back the East Barrier bar

o   DEC wants natural restoration to create natural shoreline


Questions from Members:

Question:         Member asked if Sewer project is completed

Answer:           Yes


Question:         Channel Project – how long

Answer:        Plan should be in place for late this year and construction starts next year.  Funds dry up end of next year.


Question:      What is the status of Bayfront Restaurant?

Answer:        One or two docks remain available to rent

                        There is interest in opening the restaurant


Question:      Is Bayfront launch open to the public?

Answer:        Yes


Question:      Is the gas at Bayfront available?

Answer:        Yes – cash or credit card 


Question:      What is the status on Port Bay water level?

Answer:        IJC has authorized the slowing of water outlet at the damn.

                        There will be public meetings in the near future


Question:      North end of West Port Bay Road – what’s going on

Answer:        The property is owned by Hal Smith.  He is a member of Port Bay.

  • PBIA does not know what he is building
  • PBIA has no authorization or power over this construction.
  • Hal Smith has to apply for 2 different permits that will be required before proceeding.


Question:      Will there be another Roof Top Concert?

Answer:        YES – to be held on July 31st at 4 p.m.  Location is at Myrtle’s cottage on North Maple Road.  Come by water or land.


Question:      How many dwellings?

Answer:        Approximately 620.  This includes up to Furnace Road.

                        Currently, PBIA membership is 200.  There are 350 homes on the Bay.


Question:      Does the PBIA know when new people move into Port Bay?

Answer:        No – it is word of mouth.  So please encourage new owners to contact the PBIA and join.


Question:      What’s the status of the Bayfront marina?

Answer:        Currently, there are 32 docks (was 16).  Will be adding ramps for jet skis.


Question:      What can be done to make those go-fast boats aware of their excessive speed?

Answer:        The PBIA Board will write-up a reminder about NYS Boating Laws and post it on the website.


Question;      Can we publish rules/laws on driving ATV’s/golf carts on roads.  Some are too fast and too loud.

Answer:        PBIA will investigate.


Question:      Coming into the Bay from the Lake can be a tough situation.

Answer:        Promote common courtesy in channel

                        Right of way is given to the vessel coming in from the Lake into Bay


Question:      Is dog legging the Channel to the East going to affect the pier?

Answer:        Actual Channel will not change


Question:      How far will Pier be extended?

Answer:        About 20 feet beyond angle and then another 100 feet

                        We are not yet deemed a “safe harbor”


Additional Topics:

Merchandise:  Please respond as to what items you would be interested in buying using the handout on your table with a listing of merchandise you might be interested in.


Meeting Adjourned at 3:50 p.m.